2016.04.04 - from Dawna DeSilva

The Lord said, "Stand at the door…welcome in the angels…I don't believe in worshiping angels…I'm not talking about angels being more powerful than Jesus.  But angels are here for help for us.  We are allowed to partner with them.  We don't manipulate them but we partner with them and we do that by asking God what His assignment is for them…I saw a bunch of angels come in double file. 
They were dressed warrior angels.  They were dressed. . .looked kind of like the clay angels that you would see in some of these old Chinese movies, like the warrior clay angels…statues.  They had spears.  I expected swords but they had spears.  They came in and they lined the two sides of the walls…The Lord said stay back…I thought, they're already here…what's going on?
I saw a fire in the middle of the sanctuary.  I saw those angels morph into what looked like African outfit.  They began dancing around the fire.  And I felt like there's a cross cultural army here to defend you, to defend you and your families.  They're here to defend you against communication misunderstandings.  We go places and we train and teach.  I can't say certain words in countries that mean completely different things in other countries--there's a misunderstanding that can come cross culturally.
These are warring angels here to protect you from cultural misunderstandings, from cultural paradigms that have been strongholds that have been hindering…interesting, you talk locking of arms…I heard that they are here…that the paradigms that have been strongholds that have been hindering the locking of arms. 
I think there is possibly offense that has occurred because of cultural issues.  I felt like there has been some offense, cross-cultural offense that has kept you from locking arms with the people around you.  These angels are here to guard you from future offense and it's up to you to release the offense.